The Center for Arts Based Methodologies & well-being (CFAW)

CFAW works on the application of context-driven arts-based methodologies to provide a space for individuals, communities, and organizations to express and reflect on how best they can be engaged and connected with interventions for themselves, their families, and their communities. Art-based methodologies are used to improve health and well-being in addition to creating public demand, building capacity, and agency.

    The center uses art-based methodologies in
  • Learning and promoting creative thinking.
  • Problem-solving,leadership skills.
  • Nurturing sustainable economies with-in built & natural environments.

Moreover, these unhealthy behaviors do not exist in isolation and are influenced by the broader ecological context in which they occur. Therefore, the communication team aims to underscore the importance of developing prevention-based health communication interventions topromote evidence-based decision-making among people. Through facilitating an aesthetic experience that is both personal and shared, we aim to break out of preconceived ideas and old habits, take risks, and open to the possibility of something new emerging. Our experience includes psychosocial support and training of 200 Front-line workers for stress management in Sindh, technical assistance, and video/photo documentation of the impact of TCV.

  • Priority Areas
  • Creativity
  • Self-discovery
  • Empathy
  • Innovation in diverse settings and sectors

We take pride in our partnership with.

Our Team

Dr. Habib Afsar
Director CFAW
Imran Nafees siddiqui
Manager CFAW
Shabbir Mohammad
Creative Associate
Luluwa Murtaza
Creative Associate